Imminent launch: “Space Mountain: From Earth to the Stars” exclusive book

You’ve been waiting for lightyears – some engaging in scientific calculations or drawing up comet plans – wanting to know when the long-awaited book will be published.

Well dear explorers, we won’t make you wait any longer. We are pleased to announce “Space Mountain: From Earth to the Stars” will be available starting tomorrow!

Following in the footsteps of “Pirates of the Caribbean – A Treasure of an Attraction” and “Phantom Manor: Attraction Decrypted,” discover the history of this iconic attraction, from its origins all the way to Hyperspace Mountain, including of course From the Earth to the Moon and Mission 2

Discover the sources of inspiration and the technological challenges that led to its creation, all richly illustrated with concepts and photos stretching over the years.

“Space Mountain: From Earth to the Stars” will on sale for 22€ starting this Friday, February 12, at the World of Disney Store in Disney Village. As this is not a limited edition, stock will be reordered regularly.

All right, you’ve got the green light for take-off! Good luck in your intergalactic mission!

Disney and me, it's a long love story. I fell into it as a child and never got out. From movies to theme parks, through the history of the Walt Disney Company, to comic books, everything fascinates me.