Paroles – Christmas is here

À l’approche des fêtes, on aime entonner des chants de Noël. Alors, pour continuer de diffuser une ambiance festive, retrouvez les paroles de la chanson “Christmas is here” de la parade de Disneyland Paris:

Christmas is here

Let there be love for one another
Let there be laughter ringing through the air
Let there be peace and understanding
As we celebrate this special time of year
Let there be light shining down upon us
Let there be time to make the mem’ries we’ll share
The wish that we make on this holiday
Sends the message loud and clear:
Christmas is here!

Children are waiting and dreaming of wonderful things
Of the thrills and excitement that the season can bring
The magic and wonder of a wintry night
Is the reason that choirs sing
Songs of good tidings and cheer
Old familiar rhymes
Reminding each of us that now is the time
For the whole human family to reach out a hand
And stand side by side in the wintry white
We have all that we need
We’ve only got to believe

Let there be love for one another
Let there be laughter ringing through the air
Let there be peace and understanding
As we celebrate this special time of year
Let there be light shining down upon us
Let there be time to make the mem’ries we’ll share
The wish that we make on this holiday
Sends the message loud and clear:
Christmas is here!

Let’s decorate the tree
Hang a star for all to see
Beckoning to folks from far and near
Bells will clang and chime
Friends of yours are friends of mine
Let’s sing along in perfect harmony!

Let there be love for one another
Let there be laughter ringing through the air
Let there be peace and understanding
As we celebrate this special time of year
Let there be light shining down upon us
Let there be time to make the mem’ries we’ll share
The wish that we make on this holiday
Sends the message loud and clear

Let there be love for one another
Let there be laughter ringing through the air
Let there be peace and understanding
As we celebrate this special time of year
Let there be light shining down upon us
Let there be time to make the mem’ries we’ll share
The wish that we make on this holiday
Sends the message loud and clear
Christmas is here!

We wish you a merry Christmas!

Maintenant que vous connaissez les paroles, vous pouvez chanter ! Retrouvez les paroles en version karaoké de la chanson “Christmas is here” :

Retrouvez également les paroles de Shine a Light et de Chante, c’est Noël !

Disney et moi, c’est une longue histoire d’amour. Je suis tombé dedans petit, et je n’en suis jamais ressorti. Du cinéma aux parcs d’attractions, en passant par l’histoire de Walt Disney Company, jusqu’aux BD, tout me passionne.