Post Views: 553 On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, Disneyland Paris has released many new food offerings. Our editors had the opportunity to taste a large part of the 30th anniversary food and as usual, they don’t agree! 2 opinions, 2 atmospheres: make your choice! My taste buds shine ...
Post Views: 911 On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris, about 350 new exclusive items were released throughout the celebration. A variety of items and as they say there is something for everyone. From children to adults, including our animal friends, Disneyland Paris has tried to satisfy ...
Post Views: 525 The launch of the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris started almost three weeks ago, and this was the opportunity for our editors to ask themselves about the success of this launch. So they asked themselves the question: disappointment or consecration? As usual, they do not agree with ...
Post Views: 818 A few days ago, Disneyland Paris announced its programme to celebrate its 30th anniversary! In addition to the classics, there are some new features… To discover the 30th anniversary programme, click here!Two of our editors give you their opinion about this programme. And, as usual, they don’t ...
Post Views: 594 Warning: the offer proposed by Disney + varies depending on the European country. For this review, we have based ourselves on the content offered for France. Disney +, which has been present in France since April 7, 2020, celebrated its 18-month anniversary last October. The famous platform ...
Post Views: 505 As head of the parks and resorts since 2015, Bob Chapek will succeed Bob Iger in 2020 and take over as chairman of the Walt Disney Company. However, some time ago, we relayed a petition on our page calling for his ouster. This did not go unnoticed ...
Post Views: 408 During the summer of 2021, the StoryBook Store at Disneyland Paris has been transformed into an ephemeral shop dedicated to annual passports. Annual Pass members were able to benefit from promotional offers, previews and exclusive products. Now it’s time to take stock. Was the test successful? Would ...
Post Views: 759 While Disneyland Paris has had one organisational problem after another since its reopening. The absence of shows and parades is cruelly felt.Disneyland Paris did not obtain the authorization from the prefecture to offer its guests such shows for the Halloween season. One wonders whether Disneyland Paris should ...
Post Views: 505 The Halloween season is coming soon to Disneyland Paris and the decorations are starting to take place little by little in the park. It seems that nothing has really changed: no surprises, no novelties… Is this a good thing or, on the contrary, will the destination pay ...
Post Views: 589 Since March 2020, life at Disneyland Paris has been governed by the health situation. Parades, seasons and various events having been cancelled, this “princess week” was the first attempt to return to a seasonal life in the park. However, can we say that this mini-season was a ...