Christmas Giveaways – episode 1

On the occasion of the end of the year celebrations, try to win one of the gifts of our first episode, put into play on our various ED92 media!

Contest open from Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 12 a.m. to Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 12 a.m.


To participate on Facebook and try to win a Best Day Ever notebook and a Pirates of the Caribbean:

  1. Like our Facebook Page ED92
  2. Like the Facebook post
  3. Share the Facebook post in public mode
  4. Tag several friends in comments


To enter on Twitter for a chance to win a Simba lanyard and a Phantom Manor book:

  1. Follow our account ED92Magic
  2. Like the contest tweet
  3. Retweet the competition tweet


To enter on Instagram for a chance to win a Baloo lanyard and a Space Mountain book:

One winner per media will be drawn for each giveaway. Good luck to all! 🍀

Disney and me, it's a long love story. I fell into it as a child and never got out. From movies to theme parks, through the history of the Walt Disney Company, to comic books, everything fascinates me.