Coco : Rivera family tree

coco family

Coco is an animated film from Disney Pixar Studios, released in theaters in November 2017. This work has brilliantly shown that it is possible to talk about death without pouring into melodrama. In the big Rivera family, the family is one of the most important values and still united despite the barrier of death. However, it’s difficult to memorize all the members of this large family. Here is the Rivera family tree.

⚠️ Warning! If you still haven’t see the movie, the family tree contains a spoiler!

Also discover the Madrigal family tree in Encanto!

Passionate about writing and the world of fairy tales to the point of making it the subject of my thesis, the magic of Disney touched my cradle and never left me. From the enchantment of the princesses to the most incredible adventures, it is this pinch of dreams that has imbued my pen. Today, surrounded by a team of experienced Disneyans, I am happy and honored to extend the magic to everyday life.