Disneyland Paris annual pass, still interesting despite the Covid-19?

Disneyland Paris has reopened its doors since July 15, offering us a whole range of sanitary measures and choices concerning the organization of days in the Park. With all these changes, is the annual pass still as interesting? Our editors are wondering.

Two editors, two opinions: Make your choice!

Yes it’s interesting, I can’t do without the annual pass! by Nicolas

It’s been 3 years now since I’ve been on the dark side of annual passes, and of course on my side, I was looking forward to the reopening of our beloved park!
Of course COVID-19 left some marks on our paradise, but Disneyland did the best it could to bring back the magic. To do so, they had to review the entire organization of the park, but also take measures to allow the reopening.

The measures taken for the annual passes may make some people’s ears cringe, but for my part, I found that the measures taken are concrete and in line with the departmental measures. They are ideal for the health and safety of all.

Some small adjustments are to be taken into account when we come:

First important point, we have to book on a virtual calendar (here) our stay according to the availabilities. Indeed, the park is obliged to reduce its capacity and must therefore control the flow of visitors. This is not an easy task, because between undated tickets and annual passes, it is very difficult to measure the potential of visitors on a daily basis. I much prefer this way of working, it avoids moving around without being able to enter the park, especially when you come from very far. Of course the first days are very popular, and very quickly unavailable.

But in my opinion it is only a matter of time. Once the park is up and running again, everything will be more easily accessible! We must also congratulate the Parisian resort, for having stopped the monthly deductions during the confinements for the annual pass payments. But also congratulate them for the extension of the pass and the month offered to compensate the park’s fans.

Another of the measures taken was the soft opening reserved for annual pass holders, it’s great to feel expected to celebrate the reopening of Disneyland!
And also a small advantage of the annual pass when you come by car: since a few days, Disneyland Paris has dedicated two lanes to facilitate your arrival and arrive more quickly on the park.

Apart from that, in my opinion there are no big changes, I obviously advise to subscribe to an annual pass when you have the possibility to come several times a year on the park!

Because there are still the same basic advantages:
-Come as many times as you want
-Have discounts in stores and restaurants.

For my part I know that I will continue to come to live my passion but also to support the park which has suffered a lot this year!
Don’t forget that the magic doesn’t exist without us!

No, in view of the situation, I will not renew… by Alice

It’s already been a week since Disneyland Paris reopened its doors in the strictest respect of sanitary measures. And even if we are of course delighted to find the mouse with the big ears, we also ask ourselves a lot of questions… Among them, should we renew our annual pass if it expires in the coming weeks? For me the answer is definitely “no”! At least, not for the moment!

For the park’s 25th anniversary 3 years ago, the prices of the annual passports increased considerably while offering a lot of advantages in return. First of all, by switching to the Infinity pass, the top-of-the-line replacement for the Dream, you were guaranteed access to the park 365 days a year.So you could wake up any morning and decide to visit Mickey just because you missed him or because the weather is nice and what better way to spend a sunny summer day than a walk around the castle or a wild ride on Big Thunder Mountain?
However, since the reopening a new reservation system has been put in place with a limited number of places. It is therefore necessary to reserve your place in advance, as long as there is availability. To date, for example, the July schedule is almost sold out. Goodbye to the impromptu weekend in the park
during your summer vacations!

The purchase of privilege tickets, for those who take advantage of their pass to share the magic with their friends and family, was previously done at the park’s ticket office. But now it’s going to be a lot more laborious too! Now, you can buy your tickets via the infinity line at least 15 days in advance and receive them by mail.
and receive them by mail. So goodbye, once again, to the impromptu visit! Otherwise, it is also possible to go to the Walt Disney Studios Park ticket office and buy them on the spot, while taking the risk of being refused access if the park is full. Not great if you live more than 5 minutes away!

Another important advantage that justified the price increase was the possibility of reserving a VIP area to enjoy the afternoon parade and the night show projected on the castle. But with the parade and the show suspended until further notice, this benefit is absolutely useless. At least for the moment…

Similarly, it was possible to reserve access to the pools at Disney hotels (except Disneyland Hotel). But with the limited capacity of the Newport Bay Club Hotel pool and the closure of the Sequoia Lodge, this benefit has also been suspended.

You still have access to the parking privilege closer to the entrance, but with the low attendance, is it really worth paying so much to gain a row? The only advantages maintained are the discounts in the stores and at Disney restaurants. But another little problem: with the low attendance, very few restaurants
are open. Buffets have been transformed into table service. Not sure if you will be able to take advantage of this benefit as you used to!

To sum up, since the reopening, you have the benefits of the 2017 Dream pass but at double the price of the 2020 Infinity! So no thanks for the renewal!


Disney and me, it's a long love story. I fell into it as a child and never got out. From movies to theme parks, through the history of the Walt Disney Company, to comic books, everything fascinates me.

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