Paroles – Happy anniversary Disneyland Paris – 25 ans de Disneyland Paris

Vous aimez chanter à tue-tête les chansons Disney ? Apprenez les paroles de Happy anniversary Disneyland Paris. Cette chanson vous remémorera des souvenirs du 25ème anniversaire de la destination.

Happy anniversary Disneyland Paris

Happy Anniversary, Disneyland Paris!
The celebration’s started 
So clap your hands and stomp your feet
Gather all of your friends and bring your family
Happy Anniversary, Disneyland Paris!

Everyone from all around the world
Is invited to our grand soiree
With excitement, joy and laughter on each and every day

The time is now, you won’t wanna miss a thing
There’s not a minute to lose
It’s a birthday like no other
And our most special guest is you

Happy Anniversary, Disneyland Paris!
The celebration’s started 
So clap your hands and stomp your feet
Gather all of your friends and bring your family
Happy Anniversary, Disneyland Paris!

All the years of fun and friendship
Where the magic never ends
It’s knowing that we’ve come this far
And 25 years is just the start

Happy Anniversary, Disneyland Paris!
The celebration’s started, so come and join our jubilee
Gather all of your friends and bring your family
This much we know is true:
The only gift we’ll need is you
Happy Anniversary, Disneyland Paris!

CRédit : Disney

Vous êtes nostalgique du 25ème anniversaire ? Apprenez les paroles de Lost in the magic et Every day’s a celebration !

Disney et moi, c’est une longue histoire d’amour. Je suis tombé dedans petit, et je n’en suis jamais ressorti. Du cinéma aux parcs d’attractions, en passant par l’histoire de Walt Disney Company, jusqu’aux BD, tout me passionne.