Vous aimez chanter à tue-tête pendant les parades ? Nous avons la solution : apprenez les paroles de Shine a Light, la chanson de Mickey et sa Parade Étincelante de Noël ! C’est cadeau !
Shine a light, shine a light
Just feel the pulse
And clap together
Shine tonight, Christmas light
There’s Christmas in the air!
You feel it in your body
You feel it in the air
There’s something quite exciting
There’s Magic everywhere
It’s a celebration of light
And it’s an invitation to ignite!
A holiday of fantasy
A holiday of fun
A holiday of candy canes
And cheer for everyone
Whether it is sunny or
A holiday of snow
Celebrate (celebrate), dance together
Oh yeah, and let it go! (shine a light, let it go, shine a light)
And let it go (shine a light, let it go, shine a light)
Come on, yeah!
Together with the family
We decorate the tree (decorate the tree)
A kiss under the mistletoe
I’m going caroling (fa-la-la-la-la)
Once a season we all unite (we all unite)
Celebrating all day and night!
A holiday of fantasy
A holiday of fun
A holiday of candy canes
And cheer for everyone
Whether it is sunny or
A holiday of snow
Celebrate (celebrate), dance together
Oh yeah, and let it go! (shine a light, let it go, shine a light)
Maintenant que vous avez les paroles, il vous suffit de chanter avec la version karaoké de “Shine a light” !
Envie d’encore plus de magie ? Apprenez les paroles de Chante, c’est Noël !
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